How to fill out the Final Exodus quality-of-life advance directive
(living will with durable power of attorney for health care)


There are only three requirements for an effective Advance Health Care Directive in most states. It must be :

  • signed
  • dated
  • notarized

Otherwise, you can put down what you want. For requirements in various states see Finalization.

In California and some other states, there is a special pink form called a Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) which your physician signs. People often put the POLST on their refrigerator where medics can see it. If one has a fully executed DNR or POLST order one can buy wearable jewelry from state-approved vendors.


Extensive recent medical research clearly indicates that with a good lifestyle you can prevent developing Alzheimer’s disease. What life style changes? (As many as you can do; the more, the better.)

  1. Eat healthy
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Avoid negative thinking
  4. Do what you enjoy
  5. Have a good sense of humor
  6. Meditate, live mindfully
  7. Socialize
  8. Get outside into nature
  9. Actively relax – listen to music, garden, etc.
  10. Get a massage – even the 15 minute ones
  11. Change your environment – take a trip
  12. Stop multitasking
  13. Turn off electronic devices
  14. Take supplements, especially B complex, C, zinc, magnesium

This list is taken from a class on prevention given at the San Diego Community Colleges in the fall of 2022. You can get similar information from this YouTube video: Ten tips to prevent Alzheimer's, Melissa Batchelor. There are others.