Final Exit 2020 [Digital Edition] by Derek Humphry can be found only at the website.

The Peaceful Pill Handbook Essentials (2023, on-line or print) by Philip Nitschke, M.D. and Fiona Stewart, M.D. Nitschke promotes inert gases and sells a partial kit for nitrogen. Those 50 years old or older can purchase the Essentials book at The Peaceful Pill Handbook website.  The Amazon version is for those 18 years old or older.

Five Last Acts – The Exit Path: The arts and science of rational suicide in the face of unbearable, unrelievable suffering (2015; 752+ pp), by Chris Docker. Includes uncommon methods.

Five Last Acts II (2015; 446 pages), by Chris Docker.

Details of the Final Exit Network process are available in this video.

Choice & Dignity.  A membership-based non-profit organization in Arizona whose mission is to provide support and information about life’s end.


Bill Simmons does not endorse, advocate or warrant any of the resources, forms or methods listed above.  They take a different approach, and give differing points of view. 


Extensive recent medical research clearly indicates that with a good lifestyle you can prevent developing Alzheimer’s disease. What life style changes? (As many as you can do; the more, the better.)

  1. Eat healthy
  2. Exercise regularly
  3. Avoid negative thinking
  4. Do what you enjoy
  5. Have a good sense of humor
  6. Meditate, live mindfully
  7. Socialize
  8. Get outside into nature
  9. Actively relax – listen to music, garden, etc.
  10. Get a massage – even the 15 minute ones
  11. Change your environment – take a trip
  12. Stop multitasking
  13. Turn off electronic devices
  14. Take supplements, especially B complex, C, zinc, magnesium

This list is taken from a class on prevention given at the San Diego Community Colleges in the fall of 2022. You can get similar information from this YouTube video: Ten tips to prevent Alzheimer's, Melissa Batchelor. There are others.