You can search for state-specific forms here:
Five Wishes ($5 fee)
Formswift’s Living Will /Advance Directive. Sign up for a year but cancel within a week for $5 fee. It lists many medical procedures as options.
Mideocard.com has healthcare professionals that can guide you in creating a video advance directive that can be stored on the internet. ($$$ fee)
End of Life Choices Washington
Final Exit Network In the right circumstances, Final Exit will provide legal counsel to assist your healthcare surrogate in demanding that your care provider honor the dementia supplement to your advance directive or perhaps litigate on your behalf.
Developed by Barak Gaster, MD with help from experts in the fields of geriatrics, neurology, and palliative care. This was published in the NY Times. It allows instructions for each stage of dementia. Rationale for this directive, published in JAMA.
Extensive recent medical research clearly indicates that with a good lifestyle you can prevent developing Alzheimer’s disease. What life style changes? (As many as you can do; the more, the better.)
This list is taken from a class on prevention given at the San Diego Community Colleges in the fall of 2022. You can get similar information from this YouTube video: Ten tips to prevent Alzheimer's, Melissa Batchelor. There are others.